Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Back to School Season #Plan

Dr. Albert Comitto created this popular plan book for teachers in 1974 while teaching Methods and Materials for Teachers at what was then Salem State College. Developmental Teaching is the proud distributor of Fulton Publishing, the publisher of three plan books and a brand new electronic planning software called Tapcin. Check us out at

Thursday, June 12, 2014


The first World Cup Soccer game took place today with home team Brazil vs. Croatia in what was a very physical match. Brazil won 
3-1. Millions of people in the stands, on the streets and everywhere as far as anyone could see just erupted! World Cup offers opportunities for incredible athletes to participate in the highest level of a world game. Imagine World Cup teaching and learning!

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Big Yellow Plan Books are a Little Part of NE History

The Big Yellow Plan Book was originally created by Dr. Albert Commito, a professor of education at Salem State University (when it was a college). Dr. Commito taught a course that was known as Methods and Materials in Education. It covered a great deal of the mechanics of teaching such as creating lesson plans, managing your grade book, parent communications, etc. Fulton Publishing (Developmental Teaching) bought the rights to the Big Yellow Plan Book19 years ago and it is still a mainstay in many schools.
You can still find this tried and true plan book but you can also try the new lesson planning software called Tapcin (teach~align~plan~community~international~network).
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Saturday, April 5, 2014

Why We Teach....

The rewards in teaching are vast and personal. Why do you teach?
We love to read and to be read to...

We love to create meaning for all students...

We are interested in changing the way things are done.